the tucson bus chronicles mirror my life and observations about the world from my home in tucson, arizona.
Friday, April 08, 2005
FRED RONDSTAT'S WARD 6 OFFICE threw a party for new city manager MIKE HEIN and the neighborhood last Wed. COUNCILMAN RONDSTAT presented MIKE HEIN with a City Manager Survival Kit to make HEIN's transition a little easier. copyright 2005 buschronicles
Councilman FRED RONDSTAT welcomed CITY MANAGER MIKE HEIN to TUCSON on Wednesday, with a CITY MANAGER SURVIVAL KIT, which included a meditation CD, coffee, vitamins, and some champagne. copyright 2005 buschronicles
MIKE HEIN, TUCSON'S NEW CITY MANAGER, could have made a BUNDLE as a TRIAL LAWYER, with his great speaking style, but he picked a PUBLIC SERVICE career. He had my vote after two minutes of great talk. copyright 2005 buschronicles
TUCSON CITY MANAGER MIKE HEIN is great to look at LADIES, but you can only look, as Mike is married to the very BEAUTIFUL PATRICIA HEIN. Mike and Patricia live in Oro Valley and have 2 children. copyright 2005 buschronicles
GONALO ESPINOSA poses in front of one of his new paintings on aluminum. You can see these GREAT works of ART at the WARD 6 council office this month. copyright 2005 buschronicles
GONZALO ESPINOSA has an exhibit this month in the WARD 6 meeting room. Here is GONZALO posing in front of one of his new paintings. copyright 2005 buschronicles